The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

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The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

Beitrag: #Beitrag Haraldix »


Apart from their childhood, is there any illustration of Asterix and Obelix without their moustaches? Their facial compositions have always been puzzling me.

Best regards


Beitrag: #Beitrag invisifan »

Afraid not, pictures of them as children are the only times we see them without their moustaches ...

Beitrag: #Beitrag Wenleyix3 »

The childhood versions do give quite a good indication as to what they would like without their 'taches. The frames where Obelix becomes an adult again in Asterix and Obelix all at sea is probably the best example:


Beitrag: #Beitrag Haraldix »

Wenleyix3 hat geschrieben:The childhood versions do give quite a good indication as to what they would like without their 'taches. The frames where Obelix becomes an adult again in Asterix and Obelix all at sea is probably the best example:

Okay. But now I've got another question. How come that Obelix has become that strong again after returning to adulthood? Or the other way round: Why wasn't he stronger than normal children, as one would expect?
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8176
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Beitrag: #Beitrag Erik »

Hello Haraldix,
Haraldix hat geschrieben:How come that Obelix has become that strong again after returning to adulthood? Or the other way round: Why wasn't he stronger than normal children, as one would expect?
well, this remains unexplained. In my eyes the best explanation is, that it must be a mutual reaction between the magic potion that makes invincible and the potion of rejuvenation. Indeed we know some other mutual reactions between different magic potions. But in this case it is not said in the comic.

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Beitrag: #Beitrag invisifan »

I'd assumed either the potion (being magical) or the youthening effect (also magical of course) is remembering when he gained his strength (about 5-6 years old) - so if he's physically younger than that he loses the potion's effect, but retains/regains it when older.

Beitrag: #Beitrag Christine »

Uderzo likes magic and dramatic effects, so he takes much liberty with logic and likelihood. He lets the readers find explanations... which you are currently doing.

Re: The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

Beitrag: #Beitrag Gast »

Hello -- old-time fan but new to the forum! I was browsing the topics and seeing that it's Sunday afternoon and I've little better to do, I decided to have a go at cracking the original question here. I harvested several images from the internet and edited them sketchily in Corel Painter.

And let me tell you, it's not easy! 'Shaving' Obelix was relatively straightforward because the curves and proximity of his cheeks and nose already suggest a mouth, and even if it's not apparent, we're used to 'decoding' such chubby faces from comics such as Achille Talon. Asterix, on the other hand... sheesh. Remove the 'tache and you're left with three miles of chin with which you're at a loss on what to do. I did my best by a mixture of estimation, the face of the kid in 'How Obelix Fell...', and the faces of various clean-shaven Romans because like it or not, that's what our hero ends up looking as once the signature hair is removed.

Here are the samples: ... /000kzr7d/ ... /000kpshd/ ... /000kqa7g/ (this one was difficult!) ... /000krqge/ ... /000ks7sd/ ... /000ktztk/ ... /000kwas7/ ... /000kxsb6/ ... /000kya7k/


Re: The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

Beitrag: #Beitrag tigerbalm »

Oh, and I'll remember to sign in first next time. :oops:

AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Re: The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Without reading the explanations I started clicking yhe pictures. They all looked familiar, but I felt there was something not quite right. Only after reading the text (and checking the 'original question') I realized the moustaches were missing. :lol: (LOL)
Great work.
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:

Re: The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

Beitrag: #Beitrag Sukisuix »

You've done a good job. Obelix doesn't look too bad. Asterix on the other hand I'm not to sure about. As I looked at Asterix, something occurred to me as I worked my way down. I thought he was beginning to look more like Stan Laurel, especially in the 8th picture. It most be the chin.

Apart from that I think that the 2nd pic is my favourite :cervisia:

Re: The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

Beitrag: #Beitrag tigerbalm »

That's the thing with the character design - removing the 'tache is easy enough, but then, unless he's shouting or laughing or something, you're at a total loss. Anything I tried looked wrong, and the Laurel look (thanks for that, I couldn't remember who I was reminded of) was among the rare versions that didn't look *completely* off. Sometimes you can tell if the artist drew character X in a 'basic' version to allow for change later (I studied art and I love to analyse drawings this way) but I don't think Asterix was ever meant to be divorced from that massive facial hair.

That said, did you see the analysis in the 'Anatomy Lesson' in that tributes anthology? I *loved* it!

Re: The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

Beitrag: #Beitrag Robbieatrix »

They are soo cool, that muxt have taken you ages & what talent to do them so precisely too without any noticable defects.

Re: The mouths of Asterix and Obelix

Beitrag: #Beitrag Robbieatrix »

* Must not muxd lol