covers, covers, covers, ...

Let's talk about Asterix here...

Moderator: Jochgem

AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

covers, covers, covers, ...

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Our site (as you may happen to know) collects all the translations of our hero's books. Five years ago we started adding pictures of the covers of the books. Occasionally I surf the web, looking for cover depositories. The pictures should be of reasonable quality, about 320x400 in pixel size.
Today I added number 1978, a Brazilian one.
Do you know a source we may have missed? A bookshop, a collector, ...

PS. We know about the official 'Translation Exchange', but we do not like to steal their covers in huge numbers.
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 1881
Registriert: 19. Juni 2002 22:44
Wohnort: Metelen

Beitrag: #Beitrag Maulaf »

Hi Hendrik Jan,
do you have an actual list of the covers that are still missing? Maybe some people here could deliver the missing photos,
kind regards
AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Dear Gregor, thanks for your remark. As a matter of fact we have a cover for almost all translations, except for some Vietnamese bootlegs that are missing. We also try to have the different publishers for a language. But there I have no good overview. For instance, we do not have all Dargaud French editions, or all new Portuguese ASA edition. The ASA site has only tiny pictures, and I did not find a Portuguese bookshop that had larger images.

Sorry that I cannot be more specific...

An example of a good source that I found (by Google, the Keltic god for people looking for lost items) is the Norwegian database Another example, new German covers I try to grab at Ehapa.
(edit:) That is where I found cover 1979!
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at: