"Join up they said!....

Let's talk about Asterix here...

Moderator: Jochgem


"Join up they said!....

Beitrag: #Beitrag Grant »

I remember this quote from the Asterix books years ago. It was usually said by some the Legionaries after they had been beaten up. I am now looking all over for a reference to them. Does anyone know which Asterix comics this line appears in?

"Join up they said!....Travel the world they said..." - somethin glike that anyway.
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 1266
Registriert: 16. November 2001 19:50
Wohnort: Trier

Re: "Join up they said!....

Beitrag: #Beitrag Michael_S. »


there are at least two panels that roughly fit the line you quoted:

Book 5 (A. and the banquet), page 10, panel 1
Book 12 (A. at the Olympic games), page 14, panel 6

I only checked this using the German edition, so I cannot give you the exact phrases used in this panels.

Best regards

Re: "Join up they said!....

Beitrag: #Beitrag Findefix »

Hello Grant!

:arrow: fr.: "Engagez-vous, rengagez-vous, qu'ils disaient!"

... a running gag among legionaries recurring in various albums, but it's "Asteix in Switzerland" where the most similar translation of this phrase appears! ;-)

(In "Asterix and the banquet" it's stated as "Join the army, they said! It's a man's life, they said!".)

Best regards, Andreas

Re: "Join up they said!....

Beitrag: #Beitrag Grant »

Thanks guys,

exactly what I needed.