research summary

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research summary

Beitrag: # 44227Beitrag Jochgem »

A professional team of librarians is always searching for scientific developments concerning the world of Asterix. Here is an item that (as far as I know) has not yet been announced.

Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2012, 84, No. 4, 427–431

Druids’ Knowledge in Chemical Engineering: Analysis of the Illustrated Literature by Goscinny and Uderzo
Susanne Leuchs, Lasse Greine, Dominique Dechambre and André Bardow

DOI: 10.1002/cite.201200019 (edit: the article is freely available over this official link).

Keywords: Chemical industry;Chemical technology;Education;Illustrated literature

Abstract. The illustrated literature series Asterix (and Obelix) is commonly known as entertainment and distraction, but behind that mask, case studies for chemical production in small medium enterprises and the crucial role of research and development can be discovered. The series rightly puts chemistry and chemical engineering at the heart of success and prosperity. Overall, the motives exemplified are of high relevance today for chemical industry.

The refereeing process must have been swift (Received: February 14, 2012; accepted: February 16, 2012) but that might be related to the fact that the paper was published in the April issue?

postscript to the article: We thank Dr. B. Böck (Wiley-VCH) for her support of the project. We thank colleagues and friends for discussion and suggestions. We would like to point out that the copyright owner of Asterix Les Editions Albert-René does not comply with our analysis and we therefore refrained from using any original material for illustrations.
(emphasis mine, Jochgem)
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:

Re: research summary

Beitrag: # 44228Beitrag Findefix »

Hallo Hendrik Jan,

... diese Ausgabe wäre dann doch wohl auch etwas für die Comedix-Bibliothek, wie mir scheint, - danke für den Hinweis! :-)

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Re: research summary

Beitrag: # 44236Beitrag Erik »

Hello Hendrik Jan,

many thanks from me as well for this piece of information. Some scientists really have a sense of humour. And it is especially terrific that this brandnew article is actually open-access!

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)
AsterIX Elder Council Member
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Re: research summary

Beitrag: # 44239Beitrag Jochgem »

Good you both liked it. I did not directly suggest it for the Comedix library as it is in english, but the journal must be german, judging by its title. And yes, it is open access, much to my surprise too.

(edit:) Comedix Bibliothek Chemie Ingenieur Technik (in German)
Hendrik Jan

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Re: research summary

Beitrag: # 44246Beitrag Comedix »

In fact, the magazine is a supplement for the library although the article is in english, because it is very interessting and the article in Acta Neurochirurgica is english too. And this magazine is also in the library.
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