Spanish translation

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Moderator: Jochgem


Spanish translation

Beitrag: #Beitrag ameliero17 »

Hi everybody,
I am a french student, and I am about to go to Argentina for my study and I was wondering if I will be easily able to find Spanish version of the Astérix Albums in South America.

Do you know if Salvat, the Spanish publisher, commercializes them in South America ?
Does anyone ever go there and know if we can find easily Astérix albums over there ?

Many thanks for your help !


Re: Spanish translation

Beitrag: #Beitrag collectionnix »

Sorry if you don't understand french, for this time, I use the Molière's language

Bonjour Amélie,

Bon courage en Argentine...

Je vais prêcher pour ma paroisse, si tu trouves des cartes postales avec Astérix dans ce beau pays, si tu peux penser à un fan du gaulois en cartes... :hammer:
