Vote, and choose your favourite hero

Let's talk about Asterix here...

Moderator: Jochgem

AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Vote, and choose your favourite hero

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Dear friends, every year the official site has a game where all the heroes form the Asterix universe take part in a tournament. We, the people, decide the winner. Quite unsurprisingly every year Obelix wins (yes he is adorable) and Asterix is second. (Well, in the past Asterix also won, of course: ... nners.html )

Also every year I invite you to participate, and ask you to vote alternatively! Please vote for the outsiders this year.
Every day a match. As an example, on july 25 we have Asterix vs. Homeopatix. That is my avatar! Vote for him. With around 40 participants each day we can do it! click Tournament.

Hendrik Jan
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:
AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 456
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Re: Vote, and choose your favourite hero

Beitrag: #Beitrag Jochgem »

Jochgem hat geschrieben:Every day a match. As an example, on july 25 we have Asterix vs. Homeopatix. That is my avatar! Vote for him. With around 40 participants each day we can do it!
That is today! Your only chance to beat Asterix in an honest combat. Vote for me (Homeopatix is my avatar). Help me change the outcome for this round. We can do it, the number of participants is less than 40 on an avarage day.
Thanks, Jochgem
Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at: