
Let's talk about Asterix here...

Moderator: Jochgem



Beitrag: # 5673Beitrag Sukisuix »

The Official website is running a tournament to see who is the greatest.  And they need our votes in order to do this.  You can also keep a track of it and see who makes it through to the next round with this and you could work it all out yourselves, to see who you end up with in the final, will it be the same as the website!!!  

It will be interesting, to see who the majority prefer between the likes of Codifix and Squareonthehypotheus, Chipolata and Tragicomix, Scrofulus and Pegleg or Getafix and Hoodunnit.  

There are 128 competitors, so take a l:):)k, and make your votes count.

I have already worked my tournament out, and I got, you will never guess, Asterix and Obelix, made it into my final.  Who made it into your final???
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8082
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5674Beitrag Erik »


now this tournament is also available in the german section. Nevertheless I have to thank you, Sukisuix, for pointing out this very special event. Most likely I wouldn't have noticed it otherwise.

It seems to be very clearly for me that Asterix and Obelix will be the finalists, because they are the most popular characters and they also won every "who-is-your-favourite-character-contest". But we'll see. This tournament is a really nice idea, the  creators of the official Asterix-website had.

Unfortunately my namesake (Herendethelessen is called "Erik" in the german translation of Great Crossing) has no chance against the prominent Fulliautomatix. :-/

Anyway, I voted for all the 64 matches. And may the least hopeless man (or woman, of course) win. ;)


"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5675Beitrag Sukisuix »

Well the first round is over, and we have lost some well know competitors.  So we will have to say goodbye to Saul Ben Epishul, Psychoanalytix,Spartakis,Gluteus Maximus and many more.  But do not be dismayed, alot of the villagers from our favourite village are still in the Tournament as are Boy, Redbeard, and Pegleg our every hopeful pirates.

Round 2 has just begun, so get voting to keep your favourite characters in for the next round.

Who will win between Pegleg and Dubbelosix???

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5676Beitrag Sukisuix »

I was looking at the results for the last round and I have a concern to rise.  From the results it is clear that people are not voting on all the games.  In the Asterix match 2057 votes were cast compared with the Mykingdomforanos match that had 536 votes.  I understand, there was alot to get through, but now there are only 32 matches.  It only takes a couple of minutes.


If anyone wants to know the result of a certain match or all matches, let me know and I will post them.
AsterIX Druid
Beiträge: 8082
Registriert: 8. August 2004 17:55
Wohnort: Deutschland

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5677Beitrag Erik »

Sukisuix hat geschrieben:If anyone wants to know the result of a certain match or all matches, let me know and I will post them.
...or you can just download a table of all results in PDF from here:

This table will be updated after every round.

"Alle sollt ihr noch sehen, daß ich habe recht!" (Erik der Blonde, Die große Überfahrt, S. 5)

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5678Beitrag Sukisuix »

Round three is now in procress.

Bravura has been knocked out of round 2 by Caligula Minus, and Dubbelosix was koncked out by Pegleg.

There is a very interesting match in this round, between Cacofonix and Unhygienix.  The winner of this match will play the winner of the match between Fulliautomatix and Cleopatra.

We also have the 2 old men up against each other, Pegleg and Geriatrix.  A couple of other matches are Melodrama verses Pepe, Astronomix verses Edifis and Vanilla verses Impedimenta.

Keep voting

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5679Beitrag Sukisuix »

This is the 8th round, and hear is what it said in the latest Missive!!!

Here's the line-up for the 8th finals , a world exclusive! The battle ahead will be a ferocious one, and may even lead to an all-Gaulish final.
Hurry to post your votes for the matches being played on the courts run by Ptenisnet.
So far, Asterix, Obelix, Dogmatix, Vitalstatistix, Getafix, Cacofonix, etc. have all won their matches with ease, but a drop in form can happen at any time. Your vote is therefore vital! In this fourth round, each confrontation is going to be extremely tough! Apart from Redbeard, who managed to slip through to this round, only seeded players remain! Here are the matches that await you:
Vitalstatistix/Mrs Geriatrix

We should note that the pirates are petrified, because they've drawn Asterix (Boy) and Obelix (Redbeard)! And it won't have escaped your attention that the subtlety and tolerance of everyone's favourite blacksmith finally got the better of Cleopatra's nose in the previous round! But what is most amusing is the resulting draw, which sees the bard lining up against his worst enemy: Fulliautomatix! He's so excited he cannot sleep


Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5680Beitrag Sukisuix »

Just been and cast my votes, and felt I had to inform you, that there is a very close match between Cacofonix and Fulliautomatix.  Infact, Cacofonix is winning at the moment!!!

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5681Beitrag Sukisuix »

We are now into the Quarter Finals.

And I now have to inform you that...........
Cacofonix beat Fulliautomatix.  It was a close match and the final points were.....698 against 605.   Cacofonix must have played some of his best music, or else Fulliautomatix hit himself with his own hammer.

The matches in the Quater Finals are as follows:-
Asterix vs Cacofonix
Getafix vs Dogmatix
Panacea vs Geriatrix
Vitalstatistix vs Obelix


Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5682Beitrag Bernard »

Sukisuix hat geschrieben: Cacofonix beat Fulliautomatix.
That makes a change! ;D A nice little role reversal. Perhaps it was all Fulliautomatix' intimidation that set him up as the villain enabling Cacofonix to pick up a few sympathy votes!

Panacea vs Geriatrix: Will it be age before beauty? Doesn't look like it at the moment.

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5683Beitrag Sukisuix »

Everyone who got into the semi-finals, won their matches by good clear margins.  Poor Vitalstatistix stood no chance against Obelix.

The matches in the Semi-finals are as follows
Asterix vs Dogmatix
Panacea vs Obelix

So far the matches are very close...who will make it into the Finals.  Your decision, your choice.
AsterIX Elder Council Member
Beiträge: 451
Registriert: 13. November 2001 11:58
Wohnort: Leiden, The Netherlands

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5684Beitrag Jochgem »

Sukisuix hat geschrieben:Your decision, your choice.
Let's do something unexpected and have dog vs. woman in the finals. Asterix vs. Obelix would be too obvious won't it?

Hendrik Jan

Asterix in 100+ translations at:

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5685Beitrag Sukisuix »

There is a close battle going on between Panacea and Obelix, with Panacea in the lead.  The other match betwwen Asterix and Dogmatix is not quite so close.

Who is going to end up being in the final ???

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5686Beitrag Sukisuix »

******News Flash******
...Obelix is now in the lead...

Re: Tournament

Beitrag: # 5687Beitrag Bernard »

Will there be a third and fourth place play-off I wonder?